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Thanks for joining us at the cctc senior high website.  My hope is to aide you in your quest for information whether you are a student desiring to get plugged in or a parent wondering what in the world your teen is getting plugged into.  At this site you will find avenues to assist you in your walk with Christ so check out the STUDY tab which is there for your personal study.

Want to know what's going on?  Check out the
GO tab!  To submit a question to be answered on a  Sunday night - click on the question button and bippity boppity gimme the zoppity.  Visit the SERVE page if you are interested in getting plugged in through senior high service opportunities. And if you need to get a hold of me, send me an email from the CONTACT page.  So look around, explore feel free to tell me what you think!  We're always open to making this page more relevant to you!


sponsored by sr high youth @ calvary chapel tri-cities

EIGHTYSIXELEVEN? = "Teach me Your way, oh Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name" PSALM 86:11



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